The Far Edge Of Your Mind

Student creates tool that exposes AI-generated text

A new app can detect if textual content material is AI-written or not. It’s called GPTZero and is meant to smell out content material written by OpenAI’s ChatGPT.

That’s the AI-powered writing tool that makes use of OpenAI’s pure language mannequin to reply to questions.

Since ChatGPT’s release, teachers and journalists have worried about the moral implications. The AI can maintain conversations, generate code, or reply questions.

The AI can additionally write essays. That’s a big problem for teachers or professors who grade students’ work. How do they know if their student or an AI wrote the text?

Enter GPTZero, which makes use of OpenAI’s GPT-2 mannequin to scan written text.

GPTZero fights AI-written textual content material with extra AI

Here’s an instance of Edward’s tool in action, checking against an essay in The New Yorker.

The GPTZero tool scans the textual content material and gives scores based on perplexity and burstiness. Higher scores point out that a human wrote the text.

Perplexity is a fancy way of claiming randomness. The AI mannequin in ChatGPT favors easy sentence structures. GPTZero gives simple, unsurprising sentences a decrease score.

Burstiness additionally hyperlinks to randomness, this time for the text’s overall structure. AI chatbots have a tendency to make use of similar sentences all through the text. Humans, on the opposite hand, favor random complexity shifts.

The factor is, Edward Tian, the student who created the anti-AI-writing tool, isn’t against AI in general. He makes use of CoPilot to “support a lot of [his] coding” (via The Daily Beast).

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He wants the AI instruments to be moral and used with consent. Maybe with instruments to check for AI-written text, it will be.

In the future, GPTZero will have a “tailored solution for educators.” If you need to see what that might look like, you can head to GPTZero and try their “Classic” version, which will be completely free to use.

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